Angels Care Home Health, LLC

COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

April 01, 2020

COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Angels Care Home Health LLC

Angels Care Home Health verifies to implement the program of the Minnesota Department and Human Services a COVID-19 Preparedness plan. Angels Care is ready to follow the COVID-19 required elements:

•    Train staff other caregivers, and volunteers on the plan and ensured that they are capable of implementing it.
•    Angels Care Home Health’s COVID-19 preparedness plan can be found on its website so that it’s accessible to staff, caregivers, and volunteers who need to review it.
•    The agency notified their COVID-19 Preparedness plan to recipients, their families, legal representatives, or care managers.
•    The Agency will continue to review update the COVID-19 Preparedness plan as guidance evolves and provide an update to staff, caregivers, and volunteers about any changes.
•    Angeles Care Home Health workers can offer any combination of the following services to the elderly or otherwise homebound that includes: Running errands, Cleaning the house, Meal preparation, Ensuring the best diet for patient age and lifestyle conditions, Personal care, and In-home health care (dressing changes, vitals checks, etc.)

As one might get from the above list, the services a home health worker can offer range from adding convenience to a patient’s life to providing essential help and medication. During this time of increased social isolation, the services provided by the home health workers cannot be overstated. So even though having someone come and go to you or a loved one’s house might seem unsafe right now, it’s the best way forward.

Of course, Angels Care Home Health understands that there are risks in continuing to have a home health worker come and go from your home, but that doesn’t mean you should not get the help you need. Just as getting groceries or even ordering them online has slight risks, the benefits (having the food your body needs) outweigh the potential risks. Pandemics cause worries overexposure to germs and the coronavirus, but home health workers are some of the best people to interact with because they are already trained in minimizing risk for the people they care for.
Hand washing, routine cleaning of equipment and the patient’s home, and reducing the risk of transmitting pathogens are all things that come as second nature to home health workers. Home care workers also know to socially distance themselves in other aspects of their lives to prioritize patient safety, as shown in CDC guidelines to protect elderly patients.

If you have concerns about being exposed due to having someone from the outside world come into your home, discuss your concerns with your home health worker and the agency that employs them. By voicing your concerns, you can get the answers you seek and push for improvements in safety procedures, when necessary.

Despite concerns, Angels Care Home Health is ensuring that it’s home health workers that every precaution is taken. These include calling patients at home before they visit to see if they or anyone in the household have a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. Home care employees are also washing hands in front of patients and wearing masks and other protective gear to reduce infections and to make patients more comfortable about their precautions.

If you need further information regarding COVID-19 Preparedness Plan for Angels Care Home Health LLC, please send an email to us or call the office.

Thank you,


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